Welcome To A Radical Transformational Journey

Imagine that you love yourself and the glow of your light attracts your heart’s desire. Commit to this Healthy Love journey to Self Love with relationship experts and The Healthy Love Teachers, Rachel Levy, LMHC and Steven Goldhar, and you will free yourself from limiting beliefs while gaining profound shifts through practices that support you in knowing and experiencing a profound sense of self worth and authentic expression.

  • Cultivate a profound sense of Self Worth and Authentic Expression

  • Stretch your capacity for Love and Intimacy

  • Free yourself from Limiting Beliefs and Negative Self Talk

  • Challenge Yourself to expand your Love Ability with Yourself

  • Integrate Self Love Practices into your Daily Life

Watch Intro Video

The Self Love Course

Your 7 Steps To Emotional Freedom

Why should you prioritize self-love? Devoting yourself to a self-love practice would benefit all your relationships. Are you ready to identify what drains you and instead nourish yourself with intention and the power of choice?

Self-love is innate; we were born loving every aspect of ourselves. However, most of us weren’t modeled healthy self-love. We’ve created this course to empower you with the language, skills, and tools you need to cultivate self-love. It’s time to fall in love with yourself!
Your Self Love Journey

Why Is Self Love Important?

  • SELF LOVE affects all of our external relationships

  • SELF LOVE determines what we will allow ourselves to attract, receive or create into our lives

  • SELF LOVE determines the level of intimacy we can experience

  • SELF LOVE affects how much compassion we are capable of feeling towards people, community and the environment

  • SELF LOVE determines the level of inner peace we experience

  • SELF LOVE determines how much pleasure we attract and allow ourselves (sexually, play, fun, joy, friendships, creative expression, sensually)

  • SELF LOVE affects the extent to which we feel, separate, misunderstood, or lonely

Course Curriculum

Our 7 Step Process will transform you from being lonely, disconnected, disillusioned and frustrated to passionate, joyous, inspired and fully alive.

Self Honesty

Step One: Free Yourself From
Being A Slave To Your Ego

SELF LOVE requires us to be honest with ourselves. We need the courage to face within ourselves what we have denied and have deemed unloveable and unworthy. Through Self Honesty we bring forth what we have banished into the darkness to the Light of our Consciousness. We call each of these aspects our Shadows.
Self Honesty

Self Awareness

Step Two: Give Yourself
The Power of Choice

Self Awareness is the tool you need to becoming Conscious. Without Self Awareness we are reactors instead of actors. We are puppets on a string to our survival instincts, emotional reactions and our power and control strategies developed by our ego.
Self Awareness

Self Commitment

Step 3: Making Sure You Get
To Where You Want to Go

Our First Step of Self Honesty frees us from being a slave to our Wounded Ego allowing us to admit and call out what we tend to defend. The Second Step, Self Awareness shines the light with our Self Honesty and gives us our Power of Choice. These first two steps are foundational on our journey to prepare you to align your will and your life with your Conscious Commitment to Self Love. Now we are taking the Third Step of Self Commitment to devote ourselves to our daily practice of Self Love.
Self Commitment

Self Worth

Step 4: Appreciating, Valuing
And Validating Ourselves

Self Worth is the fundamental right of knowing that you are a valuable person regardless of what you have or haven’t accomplished. Self Worth is the internal belief that you matter. Self Worth comes from within to give you the ability to develop your Self Esteem. We may Sabotage ourselves with addictions, underperforming, being self deprecating or diminishing ourselves by denying our talents and gifts or settling and tolerating less then we deserve or desire. The good news is we don’t have to be determined by our conditioning as we have the power to develop a healthy relationship with ourselves. It is never too late to become who we choose to be. We can establish the core belief that We Matter and that We are Worthy of Self Love.
Self Worth

Self Acceptance

Step 5: Meet Every Part Of You
With Loving Awareness

Self Acceptance has us know our Self Worth inside out. Our Self Worth teaches us to value ourselves. We are able to value every part of who we are and face the parts of us we have neglected, abandoned, rejected, denied and most of all hidden (and hidden from ourselves). Self Acceptance allows us to meet the aspects of ourselves that have been denied and acting out to get our attention to solve the mystery of ourselves through Self Love and the curiosity of Wonderment. Seeking to know ourselves through Loving Awareness and Accept our Selves, all of our selves, means we have to face and meet these “unwanted” or “denied” parts of ourselves. We call these disowned parts of ourselves our Shadows.
Self Acceptance

Self Compassion

Step 6: Experience Loving Kindness
Through Forgiveness

We begin developing our innate ability to be compassionate from the time we are born. We learn through “mirror neurons” by what we see and feel from the way we are held, calmed and soothed. Like when we are crying and our father picks us up and sings to us, we relax and coo or when we are screaming for attention and we get our mother’s gentle voice saying, “there, there” and are consoled. If we got anything other than compassionate care we may have frozen unmet needs that need Nurturing in order to be developed and expressed. Compassion continues to be shown to us by the way we hear our family talk about others or groups of people. If they speak with compassionate kind language, then we learn to be understanding of other’s plights and to speak kindly about their struggles.
Self Compassion

Self Expression

Step 7: Feel Safe To Be
Your Authentic Self
And Speak Your Truth

By the time we have come to the 7th Step we are able to connect the dots and have the map and language of how to truly love ourselves. As a result of taking these steps to heart, we will come to know Self Love and be able to appreciate who we are with actual Admiration and Self Care. We will know our worth and know how to have Compassion for ourself. We understand the difference between our wounded selves, and our Higher Self. We can help our wounded self with our new found ability to name and be kind to all the parts of ourselves, choosing to see through the eyes of our Higher Self. We Feel Safe to be our Authentic Self and Speak our Truth.
Self Expression

About Your Instructors

Rachel Levy, LMHC

Rachel is a licensed psychotherapist, certified Master Integrative Coach in Shadow Work, and trained Imago Relationship Therapist with over 25 years of experience. Affectionately known to her clients as Love Coach Rachel, she is also a community builder, dancer, and devoted to practicing and teaching the skills for Healthy Love.
Rachel Levy, LMHC

Steven Goldhar

As a Clear Beliefs Therapeutic Coach and Healthy Love teacher, Steven brings his unique, loving sensitivity and extensive knowledge to this work. His rich background in Shadow, Core Beliefs and 12-Step work, as well as working directly with world-renowned teachers such as Eckhart Tolle and Gary Zukav, adds an added skillset of presence and other healing modalities. Steven teaches The Self Love Course, with the life changing teaching that made such a difference for those who have been blessed to have him as a guide, coach and teacher.
Steven Goldhar

Show Up With Your Courage & Commitment

In the Self Love Course you will be steeped in teachings and practice sessions to support the experience of empathy and compassion for yourself and others. You will learn the skills and tools necessary to create supportive, compassionate, loving and generous relationships in all areas of your life.

Your Course includes weekly live interactive Zoom sessions beginning Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 4:30pm ET.

Join us for this transformational journey to a more loving and happier you!

With (Self) Love,
Steven Goldhar and Rachel Levy, LMHC
The Self Love Course Workbook